Sika Hind and Yearling Stag
This photo was taken in Co Wicklow on 15/8/2020 These two were browsing on the Grass and came to within about 25 or 30 feet of me , they didnt seem too bothered by my presence and stayed long after I had left as I watched them from a distance.

Brown Rat
I Was taking photos of sone Birds at the Estuary when two rats started chasing eachother in the rocks in front of me, Got this guy looking out of the gap before he darted out of sight again.

Dharma the Sumatran Tiger Cub
This Female Tiger Cub was Born in Fota Wildlife park on 7th May 2017 , her name is Dharma

Hen Harrier 6
This is a Beautiful Bird to watch, flying low and Slow like an Owl when Hunting , I saw this bird catch prey multiple times during this photo session.